Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

A novel solution for treating uterine fibroids

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What does a diagnosis of symptomatic benign uterine fibroids mean?

Uterine fibroids, also known as myomas, are common benign uterine tumors in women of reproductive age. They can cause discomfort and reduce quality of life.


What is the MYOBLATE™ RFA procedure?

MYOBLATE™ RFA is a procedure performed with an RFA system certified by the CE with European Medical Device Regulation (MDR), with its indicated use for the minimally invasive treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. It offers a low-risk rate and excellent clinical outcomes that ensure reduced discomfort during and after the procedure.


What determines MYOBLATE™ candidacy?

RFA is a good option for relatively small intramural and submucosal fibroids that are causing symptoms or fibroids that are growing and will eventually become symptomatic. Singular, rapidly growing fibroids (such as leiomyosarcoma) are not currently indicated for MYOBLATE™. The size, location, and number of the fibroids will have an impact on the procedure’s result, even though the RFA approach may be suitable for some patients. Therefore, only you and your doctor can decide which course of treatment is appropriate for you.

Last Updated August 9, 2022


The MYOBLATE™ electrodes are CE-certified and indicated for the treatment of uterine fibroids. The content herein is solely for informational and educational purposes and should not be construed as medical or health advice. While the MYOBLATE™ Uterine Fibroid RFA Procedure may offer substantial benefits to many patients, it is not universally applicable, and individual outcomes may vary. Please contact your medical professional for specific advice regarding the potential benefits, risks, and suitability of this treatment in your specific case.


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