Candidacy for MYOBLATE™

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the procedure take?

The time required may vary depending on the size and quantity of uterine fibroids to be treated. However, for uterine fibroids up to 5-6 cm in size, the entire treatment takes about 30-40 minutes.

Is RFA for Uterine Fibroids painful?

No, RFA for uterine fibroids is done under sedation, local, or general anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the treatment. Patients often resume normal activities within a couple of days. Following treatment, the patient may experience mild pain that is manageable with over-the-counter medications.

Can radiofrequency ablation (RFA) shrink fibroids?

There is a high chance of shrinkage as a result of RFA. Uterine fibroids stop growing and their cells are absorbed by the body over time. Severe symptoms may be relieved immediately, and patients may enjoy a better quality of life.

Does radiofrequency ablation affect uterine function?

RFA is a focused method of treatment that targets only the defective tissue (the uterine fibroid) and not the entire uterus. As a result, we can anticipate that normal uterine function will be preserved.

What to expect during recovery after uterine fibroid RFA?

RFA is an outpatient treatment, so hospitalization is not generally required. After the procedure, patients typically leave the hospital in a few hours, resume mild activity in a few days, and be fully recovered in two weeks. Individual post-procedure care is determined by the individual physician.

Are there any special instructions for patients to be considered after ablation?

Individual post-procedure care is determined by the physician, however getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activity for a week, are generally recommended.

Is there any follow-up care?

After radiofrequency ablation, your doctor may keep an eye on the fibroid’s volume and vascularization as well as any bleeding or other symptoms. Typically, follow-up appointments are arranged for 2, 6, and 12 months after treatment.

Is RF Ablation a Safe Procedure?

RF ablation carries risks, just like any other medical procedure, however the US FDA has determined MYOBLATE to be safe and effective. In general, fibroid RFA is regarded as a safe therapy when performed by qualified medical professionals. Since it is a minimally invasive treatment, it has a lower rate of complications when compared to other treatments.

Last Updated August 9, 2022


De MYOBLATE™ elektroden zijn CE-gecertificeerd en geïndiceerd voor de behandeling van baarmoederfibromen. De inhoud hiervan is uitsluitend bedoeld voor informatieve en educatieve doeleinden en mag niet worden opgevat als medisch of gezondheidsadvies. Hoewel de MYOBLATE™ RFA-procedure voor baarmoederfibroïden aanzienlijke voordelen kan bieden voor veel patiënten, is deze niet universeel toepasbaar en kunnen de individuele uitkomsten variëren. Neem contact op met uw medische professional voor specifiek advies over de mogelijke voordelen, risico's en geschiktheid van deze behandeling in uw specifieke geval.


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