Diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids?

What are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids, also known as myomas, are common benign uterine tumors in women of reproductive age. They can cause discomfort, pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea, frequent urination, infertility, and low quality of life.

Approximately 70–80% of women will acquire uterine fibroids at some point in their lives.1 Some will develop clinical symptoms influenced by the location, size, and number of fibroids.

Some known factors that may
lead to Uterine Fibroids

Demographic Factors
(Age, race, etc.)
Genetic Predispositions
(Family history, etc.)
Health Factors
(Hormonal factors, high blood pressure, Vitamin deficiency, obesity, etc.)
Lifestyle Factors
(Activity, diet, etc.)

Some known factors that may lead to Uterine Fibroids

Hormonal Factors
Genetic Predisposition
Heavy Menstruation
Lifestyle Factors
(obesity, diet, etc.)
Heavy, Painful, or Prolonged Periods
Pelvic Pressure or Pain
Frequent Urination
Painful Intercourse
Enlarged Abdomen

Some symptoms that have been linked
to benign Uterine Fibroid diagnosis

Heavy, Painful, or Prolonged Periods
Pelvic Pressure or Pain
Frequent Urination
Painful Intercourse
Enlarged Abdomen

Some symptoms that have been linked to benign Uterine Fibroid diagnosis 10,11

How are Uterine Fibroids diagnosed?

Uterine Fibroids are typically found during a standard gynecologic checkup with a pelvic examination. If irregularities are noticed, the physician may order additional tests.

How are Uterine Fibroids diagnosed?

Uterine Fibroids are typically found during a standard gynecologic checkup with a pelvic examination. If irregularities are noticed, the physician may order additional tests.

Gynecological examination
Hormonal Tests and/or
Complete Blood Count

Last Updated August 9, 2022


The MYOBLATE™ electrodes are CE-certified and indicated for the treatment of uterine fibroids. The content herein is solely for informational and educational purposes and should not be construed as medical or health advice. While the MYOBLATE™ Uterine Fibroid RFA Procedure may offer substantial benefits to many patients, it is not universally applicable, and individual outcomes may vary. Please contact your medical professional for specific advice regarding the potential benefits, risks, and suitability of this treatment in your specific case.


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